The Dead Zone (1983) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 208


Day 208 of the challenge! The Dead Zone is a pretty thought provoking psychological thriller, but lacks a sense of atmosphere. 


  • Christopher Walken owns the show. There's a lot of nuance to his performance. 

  • Love the "metaphysical" way Johnny's visions are portrayed, with him switching back and forth between the past, present and future settings. Great editing there.

  • The final 20 minutes or so gave me such an anxiety ridden rush! 

Didn't like:

  • It's a bland looking film. There's no style to the overall look or camera movements. Zero atmopshere in short I suppose.  
  • We're told several times how much of a curse Johnny's gift is (plus how it's taking a physical toll on him), but never explore that in greater detail. We're told, then move on. Besides isolating himself, he seems pretty okay with it for the most part. On that, we glossed over the anguish one would assume from having been asleep for 5 years. I'm a fan of subtext and suggesting certain elements of a character, but I feel it was in excess here.