Old Doña Ana County Courthouse and Jail- WTF El Paso Podcast #4 and #5

Las Cruces, New Mexico, is best known for its stunning views of the Organ Mountains and thriving art scene, but like any old town, it has some darkness buried deep beneath all the beauty. Few places embody that darkness more than the Old Doña Ana County Courthouse and Jail, a long-abandoned building that might not be as empty as it looks.

Weird Tales from El Paso is the first podcast to ever record inside the jail, so make sure you don’t miss out on these freaky episodes!

Part 1: The Dark History of the Doña Ana County Courthouse & Jail

In Part 1 of this special two-part episode of Weird Tales from El Paso, we travel to Las Cruces to uncover the brutal history of the courthouse and jail and learn why it became synonymous with cruelty and corruption, setting the stage for all the paranormal phenomena that defines the jail in modern day.

Part 2: The Hauntings of the Doña Ana County Courthouse & Jail

After uncovering the jail’s dark history in Part 1, we return after dark to investigate the hauntings that have made the Old Doña Ana County Courthouse and Jail one of the most haunted jails in the Southwest. With shadow figures, disembodied voices, and hidden tragedies still echoing through its halls, it’s obvious the entities still “living” inside the jail want to make themselves known, whether you want them to or not. Plus, stick around to hear some shocking and unexplainable audio we captured inside the jail during the production of these episodes.

Special Guests:

Luis Arias, Assistant Professor of Practice at The University of Texas at El Paso - Department of Criminal Justice and Security Studies

David Crider, owner and founder of Southwest Expeditions

Ramiro Galvan,  Independent Paranormal Investigator and founder of “Paranormal Research Investigations” - PRI - in El Paso, TX

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“Somewhere Over the Rainbow” Office Camera

PRI Clips

Pictures of the Courthouse and Jail

Historical Resources