Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 209


Day 209 of the challenge! The CG lip in Justice League was worth it, because Mission: Impossible - Fallout is one of the best damn action movies I've ever seen! 


  • The action sequences are incredible! We're up close and personal with every punch, chase and gun shot. The more Tom Cruise runs, the better this franchise seems to get. Guaranteed loads of fun with a good twist here and there!

  • The plot is pretty complex, but still accessible in my opinion. Having watched the previous films will help.

  • Henry Cavill is a pure joy to watch in this. He kills it in every scene that highlights him. Superman should grow a mustache in the next DC film. 

  • Tom Cruise runs. In case you didn't know. 

Didn't like:

  • Maybe a little too long?
  • I'm getting tired of these movies using Julia as a motivation or source of guilt for Ethan. They've hinted at this in the past few films, but don't explore it enough to make it an interesting aspect of Ethan's character. Either go full on character study mode and really explore it, or move on (which I'm hoping they do after seeing how this one ends). But let's be honest, no one watches these for the character development, right?