The Cloverfield Paradox (2018) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 36

Day 36 of the challenge! The Cloverfield franchise is one of my favorites, with 10 Cloverfield Lane being one of my all time favorite movies. So easy to guess that I was over the moon when I saw the trailer for The Cloverfield Paradox during the big game and absolutely lost it when I saw that it was being released right after on Netflix of all places. So as brilliant as the marketing and release of Paradox was, it's unfortunately not a worthy follow up to the original Cloverfield  and comes no where near the b-movie masterpiece that is 10 Cloverfield Lane. Still looking forward to the next one later this year though! 


The Cloverfield Paradox had a great start! It did a great job building up likable (if plain) characters and their predicament. A Cloverfield movie in space?! Great! It delivered some genuine thrills and gnarly scares whilst explaining the new rules that help connect the previous 2 films before devolving into a generic sci-fi horror. You can clearly see where the Cloverfield elements of The Cloverfield Paradox were shoehorned in to make it a Cloverfield movie.

As excited as I was, the movie just fails as both a decent horror scifi and a Cloverfield flick. I did appreciate all the easter-eggs scattered throughout, but they can only do so much. Bring on number 4 (in theaters please)! 

Day 36 out, 332 to go....