Pretty in Pink (1986) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 271


Day 271 of the challenge! Finally watched everyone’s fave Romeo and Juliet story from the 80s, AKA Pretty in Pink.

So it really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that my feelings on this one are mixed. On one hand, it’s a pretty well scripted story full of heavy thematic elements, like navigating differing social classes in relationships and growing up too fast. On the other, there’s a weird toxic undertone underneath all the cute quirkiness.

Without getting too political, it’s a movie about a quirky teenage girl dealing with teenage girl problems, written and directed by a bunch of older white dudes that frame her as reward for the less interesting male characters (which have their own set of problems…especially Duckie). As insightful (and as much as a classic) as it is, Pretty in Pink is a problematic product of it’s time, and continues to be problematic today.