Heartthrob (2017) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 270


Day 270 of the challenge! Heartthrob feels like a less interesting Fatal Attraction, filmed through a bunch of Instagram filters.

Girl meets boys, boy becomes obsessed with girl, boy manipulates her into a relationship. You know, the usual. There’s a much better version of Heartthrob somewhere in the vast ominverse, one where the hints of interesting character work aren’t lost in a sea of frustrating high-school melodrama (that sends an INCREDIBLY toxic message I should add) and some BAD pacing. The movie isn’t even a full 90 minutes, but I swear it felt like 90 hours. Slow burn, I’m there, but just slow, go home. I’m sure that cosmic better version is shorter too. Don’t know if I’ll go searching the cosmos for it, but I’ll be sure to let you know if/when I do.