Killing Gunther (2017) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 39

Day 39 of the challenge! Another light helping with Killing Gunther, an over the top and outrageous comedy about silly hitmen. Overall, Killing Gunther is a harmless and pretty funny comedy that features Arnold Schwarzenegger's hammiest performance ever. That's saying something when you remember he played Mr. Freeze in Batman and Robin. Only this movie is actually enjoyable....


I'd say the movie's biggest appeal is it's mockumentary approach. It features a small documentary team hired to film a group of assassins as they try to kill the worlds best hitman. This allows for a lot of quirky one on one cutaways with the characters. I can see fans of The Office or Parks and Recreation especially getting a  kick out of this flick. 

Recommend it if you're looking for something light or just wanting some cheap laughs. 

Day 39 out, 329 to go....