A Ghost Story (2017) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 21

Day 21 of the challenge! A Ghost Story was another one of those hype films I missed when it was in theaters. Absolutely did not expect a film that had an actor walk around in a white bed sheet for the better part of 90 minutes (with no dialogue) would end up being one of the most emotionally devastating movies I've ever seen. Leave it to A24 right?


A Ghost Story is one of those films you have to engage with emotionally. There's no room for logic or coherent explanations for the rules of the world presented here. It's all pathos. This is a purely emotional ride about human connection and one of the most painful depictions of mourning I have ever seen. Did I cry? What do you think? A Ghost Story does get a little weird during the 2nd half (well, weirder) with some commentary on the nature of human existence. That was a bit too much for me and I felt distracted from the earlier focus. 

People that require complex and action heavy plots should probably avoid this one. Same for people that don't like to deal with their emotions too much. This one will either mess you up (and you'll love it) or you'll think it's the most boring movie you've ever seen. 

Day 21 out, 345 to go....