Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 211


Day 211 of the challenge! Tales from the Darkside: The Movie has it's moments, but overall it's too plain or silly (but not in the fun way). 

I'm back to the Stephen King movies, and Tales from the Darkside: The Movie has a King story, so I'm counting it! 


  • The practical effects were great! Like so many of the effects in the last few horror movies I'v seen, they have a charm to them that perhaps dates the film, but gives an aesthetic you just don't get anymore with modern films. 

  • I enjoyed some of the more comical moments in the film, especially in the frame story. 

  • Surprising cast full of recognizable faces!

Didn't like:

  • The stories are nowhere near as clever or intense as they could have been. Lover's Vow was the strongest, but it wasn't enough to elevate the movie as a whole. 

  • No atmosphere to be found overall. It all feels very haphazardly put together.

  • Horror anthology films need to be creative in their stories to stand out, and Tales from the Darkside: The Movie just can't seem to live up to that challenge.