Cell (2016) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 212


Day 212 of the challenge! Cell has a few things going for it, but ultimately loses everything that made the novel great. 


  • There are some legitimately chilling moments scattered through out that plays on your technophobia. The expressions and sound design used on the "phoners" are pretty great! Subtle and different enough from traditional zombies to stand out a little bit...for the most part.

  • Great cast...wish they had more to do though... 

Didn't like:

  • The shaky camera work is all over the place! Feels like most of the movie was tapped together with walking b-roll and unplanned action shots. There is an art to getting good shaky cam believe it or not. Not saying I know how, just that I can tell the different between good and bad shaky cam. 

  • The cheap effects would have been more tolerable if the camera work was better planned too.

  • The script is just as cheap. We're given the bare minimum to care about SOME of the characters (maybe), but the satirical edge in the commentary (that was great in the novel) is totally gone.