Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 145

Disclaimer: I wrote a full in depth (and spoiler free) review for the film over at (which you can read here if you like), so I'll just be borrowing (plagiarizing myself hehe) from that review for today's post.

Day 145 of the challenge! A new Star Wars movie has made it's way to the big screen! Solo: A Star Wars Story manages to overcome everything going against it, despite some weird script and character issues.  Essentially,  Solo: A Star Wars Story delivers on all the fun and charm you’d want from everyone’s favorite scoundrel, even if it’s a bumpy and uneven ride. It's the fun and nostalgic heist Star Wars story many wanted, overcoming it's chaotic production history and wonky script problems. It's not a story that necessarily needed to be told, but a welcome one nonetheless thanks to the great performances (Alden Ehrenreich exceeds expectations and makes the character of Han Solo his own) and Ron Howard's steady and unique directing style. Hardcore and casual fans alike will feel right at home.