Red Sparrow (2018) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 152


Day 152 of the challenge! Red Sparrow is slick, but that's about it. On the surface, Red Sparrow is engaging and shocking enough to keep you invested for its 2 hours plus running time. But once the credits start rolling and you start digesting the film, it falls apart fast and leaves you feeling gross. What Red Sparrow tries to pass off as sexy and erotic ends up feeling exploitative and cheap. Why include so much sexual violence in your film if you don't plan on engaging with the physical ramifications or psychological effects? As I've said so many times before, I am not a fan of shock value for the sake of shock value (be it violent or sexual in nature), and Red Sparrow is no different. Character issues aside, the film is absolutely gorgeous. There's some great cinematography and camera work at play here that more than makes up for all of Red Sparrow's many issues. So watch it for that alone.