Jug Face (2013) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 141


Day 141 of the challenge! Jug Face is an interesting story that never quite lives up to it's own concept. Jug Face quickly sets up the rules of it's world through a great (and creepy) opening credits sequence that leads into a just as effective opening sequence. There's an aura of mystery  to the significance of what we're being shown that made me want to know more about it. The main issue though is that it never escapes it's slow burning setup. The movie stays in this sort of limbo shorty after we're introduced to our main characters. The film tries to build up to it's finale with a few (and ineffective) scattered scares and character moments before ultimately fizzling out, as if it didn't know what to do. The 3rd act in particular reached a very messy and uninteresting climax. I like the world and atmosphere presented in Jug Face, but it's bogged down by a character driven plot with a weak a character.