Casa de mi Padre (2012) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 34

Day 34 of the challenge! I needed a break from all the thematically heavy Oscar films I'v been watching lately, so I picked Casa de mi Padre after talking about guilty pleasure movie with my co-workers. It's  a perfect choice as a guilty pleasure. Might have given myself too much of a break though...


Casa de mi Padre is a parody of those over the top (and poorly made) Spanish "telenovelas" that seem to play on loop on most Spanish speaking channels. On that front, they nailed it! Horrible continuity, cheap props and effects, over the top acting and story, the works! Props on Will Ferrell for doing the entire movie in Spanish too! That's about the only thing that works though.

I feel like the movie wasn't as clever as it was trying to be. It makes you laugh a few times, but overall it just seemed like an overlong SNL sketch or something like it. Worth a watch if you're in the mood for something dumb and light. 

Day 34 out, 334 to go....