While We're Young (2015) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 353


Day 353 of the challenge! Quirky and existentially hilarious, While We're Young is Ben Stiller’s great serious(ish) film!

While We're Young is no doubt one of those films designed to irritate a good chunk of it’s audience. The characters aren’t the most relatable or likable, and depending on your point of view (and age), you might hate how your generation is depicted. Millennials are all selfish and entitled hipsters, incapable of appreciating the deeper meanings of things, and Gen Xers have lost touch with who they are, with their only hope at fulfillment being having their own children.

Obviously that’s not true for all Millennials or Gen Xers, and that’s the point. While We're Young highlights the perceptions surrounding multiple generations to show you that they’re not real, and therefore don’t have to define you. It’s funny how quickly a 40 year old can feel just as entitled and selfish as a 20 year old when confronted by a Baby Boomer for example. These perceptions are all just organically part of aging, and they’re only real if you make them real.

There’s a lot to unpack with While We're Young, and despite it’s hefty thematic material, it’s still flippin’ hilarious!