Super (2010) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 2

Day 2 of the challenge brought me to 2010's Super, another one of those flicks that seemed destined to forever be stuck in my seemingly endless queue. It was...interesting to say the least. For sure not everyone's cup of tea. James Gunn movies (the ones that don't feature talking raccoons anyway), tend to cater to a very specific audience. My personal James Gunn favorite is Slither.  In short, Super has everything I love and don't love from James Gunn movies. 

I'm glad I finally got around to Super, even though it was just a bit too much for me. The quirkier parts of the movie gave me some pretty good laughs, while some of the other more... out there moments just made me cringe and ask "why?" James Gunn has a weird fixation with tentacle monsters I've realized.

Quick Observations:

  • This challenge is FINALLY going to make me go through my queue, which is awesome.
  • This is the first movie to ever make me pause to cook some eggs. 
  • With films like Slither and Super, you can totally see how inspired Marvel Studios choice was when they picked James Gunn for Guardians of the Galaxy.  

Day 2 out, 363 to go....