Stephen King's 'Silver Bullet' (1985) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 205


Day 205 of the challenge! Guess I'm doing a Stephen King run, because I watched Silver Bullet! It's...okay.


  • Like with Thinner, Silver Bullet's biggest strength is it's make-up. Not the werewolf costume (which is campy to say the least), but the make-up and in between effects used for the transformations. 

  •  A little more tension than Thinner, so that was appreciated. Probably because there's some decent character work at play. 

  • Gary Busey is a riot!

  • Pretty cool soundtrack. The silver bullet scene was especially atmospheric. 

Didn't like:

  • Slightly tenser than Thinner, but no where near enough to be considered scary. 
  • Besides the silver bullet and chase scene, there's no real sense of horror. Even the "private justice in the fog" scene (which should have been terrifying) was bland. 
  • We're told who the werewolf is much sooner in the film than the characters in the film, making the big reveal pointless. Why they did this, I don't know.