The Lobster (2016) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 9

Day 9 of the challenge! After some light and undemanding movies, I decided to give The Lobster a watch after having missed it when it was in theaters. Happy to report that I loved it, super odd quirks and all. A24 Films never disappoint! 

This film is all about the societal pressures of relationships (or or lack thereof) wrapped into an offbeat plot that involves single people being turned into animals if they can't find a partner. Weird right? But it works! A24 Films (which has produced several of my current favorite movies) has mastered the art of making experimental art house films with a mainstream appeal. No matter how odd the plot, A24 somehow manage to make them click with people, and The Lobster is no different. 

I found several things that resonated with me personally, making The Lobster one of my favorites of the challenge so far! Can't recommend it enough (if you have the taste for it anyway). 

Day 9 out, 356 to go....