Imitation Girl (2018) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 316


Day 316 of the challenge! Imitation Girl…the movie that almost broke me.

Imitation Girl is one of those films that I had to think about (and rethink) quite a few times. I Initially dismissed it as a poor man’s Under the Skin the more I watched it. Both feature an alien taking the form of a beautiful woman that end up exploring their sense of identity and sexuality, while simultaneously saying something about the larger cultural context of their journeys. Dig it. Love it. But while I loved Under the Skin’s subtle and menacing approach to the subject matter, I just can’t seem to line up with Imitation Girl the same way. Despite all the material being there, everything in Imitation Girl just feels silly and shallow compared to Under the Skin, or even Annihilation (which has a different premise, but similar thematic elements).

After a lengthy discussion with a friend about it, I realized my biggest issue with Imitation Girl is that is isn’t either Under the Skin or Annihilation. I kept judging it for what it wasn’t, and not what it was. It was pretty easy to fall into that trap I suppose. I wanted something more cerebral and emotionally distant, and this just wasn’t it. Changing my approach to the film doesn’t change my mind much about it (still think there’s too much silliness and wonk), but I’m not as annoyed about it as I was.

Something nice: Lauren Ashley Carter is still so great!