Beyond Skyline (2017) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 111


Day 111 of the challenge! Beyond Skyline is surprisingly kind of fun, and much more watchable than the original Skyline! I decided to watch this one more out a morbid sense of curiosity than an actual desire. Why make a sequel to a 7 year old movie everyone hated? The first Skyline was an atrocious mess that is so bad, it can't even be considered "so bad it's good". So of course I was curious. Beyond starts off slowly with what's basically a retelling of the first movie (but from the perspective of a different group of characters) before going in a totally different direction that embraces it's cheesy and over the top premise. This one knows what it is, and decides to have fun with it (think Independence Day type of "dumb but fun). While it helps to have seen the first Skyline, I can't recommend it under any circumstances. Beyond does of decent job of filling you in with the necessary plot points from the first before moving on to it's own thing.