A Simple Plan (1998) - 365 Movie Challenge Day 346


Day 346 of the challenge! A Simple Plan is slow burning movie magic.

As much as I adore the larger than life Raimi classics like the Evil Dead series and the Spider-Man trilogy, I have to admit that A Simple Plan is probably the best film Sam Raimi has ever crafted. Dripping with intense emotion and deviously subtle symbolism, A Simple Plan grabs you and won’t let go until it’s all said and dead.

Why on Earth isn’t this movie more popular? Sure, it’s hard not to compare A Simple Plan to other slow burning crime thrillers like Fargo and such (especially with the “winter in the midwest” setting), but you’d imagine a crime film directed by Sam Raimi (starring Bill Paxton and Billy Bob Thornton no less) would have a much larger following. It might not be the most “Raimi-esque” film in his filmography (even Danny Elfman seemed to be channeling his inner Thomas Newman for the score), but that doesn’t mean you should deny how masterful the film is.

You know I’m gonna pop it back in the moment the challenge is over!