Blue Lab 365 Movie Challenge

2018 is the year of the 365 Movie Challenge, but with a Blue Lab twist. In short, I'll be watching a movie a day for the duration of 2018.  I'll be documenting and sharing my thoughts throughout the challenge here. As an extra challenge for me creatively, I'll also be making a cinemagraph from each film I see. A bit ambitious, but no pain, no gain!

These are the rules I'll be trying to follow: 

  1. Watch a new to me film every day of 2018.
  2. Make a cinemagraph for each film I see.
  3. Write a "diary post"a day about the film.
  4. No "getting ahead" by watching multiple movies in one sitting then posting about them later. 

As I said, these are the rules I'll "try" to follow. Life happens and I'm sure to falter here and there. In the end, the ultimate goal is to have 365 movies and 365 cinemagraphs by this time in 2019. I'll post the first film later this evening!

Wish me luck, and May the Force be with me!